During the summertime, I had a chance to travel abroad and my eye condition was still present but the condition progressed. I would never sleep with my contacts in my eyes but would wear them for 8+ hours a day, and would rarely wear glasses. One day I woke up with a great amount of pressure in my right eye so I went to wash it out and it hurt immensely. There was obvious discharge and it finally woke me up to start taking better care of my eyes. I googled this condition and came across a blog that helped with this ordeal:
I have to say, I read about every single comment on that blog and is the reason I switched over to Acuvue 2's. I also took some time to visit an optometrist abroad and they stated my left eye was infected even though my right eye was the eye that felt the pressure. I was prescribed TobraDEX (5ML) (Tobramycin+dexa), that of which I used 4 times a day for about a week. However, The optometrist could not state why there was discharge coming from my eyes. I was also told to stop wearing contacts and I did so for about 1 month so that my eyes could breathe.
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