August 27, 2013


Several months ago while I was still wearing my Ciba Vision Dailies (non-toric) I looked into the mirror and noticed more veins were prominent in my eyes and furthermore, there was a small white bump in my right eye. The bump was between the iris and the white portion of the eye. I was a bit alarmed and decided to seek the advice of my optometrist. He informed me that it was 'pinguecula'.

What exactly is pinguecula? It's basically a stye or a bump that forms on your eye. There aren't any symptoms or known reasons as to why it occurs but it does seem to be more prevalent in individuals whose eyes are exposed to UV light or live in sunnier climates.

According to the articles I've read and the opinions of my optometrist, there is a consensus that there is no cause of alarm and there is not much you can do except wear sunglasses when your eyes are exposed to the elements. He states that pinguecula is common for people that live in California. As for the veins in my eyes, the eye doctor states I am simply more prone to veins than most other individuals.

Great article on Pinguecula.


Unknown said...

Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

dry eye

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